Josh Hobbs - Austin, Texas
5,500+ Installations in the Austin TX area.
Solar Window Screens -> Pictures

Color: Mocha
Manufacturer: Twitchell, Made in Alabama USA
Product: Textilene
Availability: 80% and 90%
Dirty Resistant: High, Does Not Show Dirt
Longevity: 20+ Years
Washable: Easily with any detergent or pressure washer
Durability: Can Not tear (rip) it with your bare hands
Pet Resistant: Very Well
Popularity: 43%
MOCHA Fabric Solar Window Screen Installation Examples

CHOCOLATE Fabric Solar Window Screen Installation Examples
Color: Chocolate
Manufacturer: Twitchell, Made in Alabama USA
Product: Textilene
Availability: 80% and 90%
Dirty Resistant: High, Does Not Show Dirt
Longevity: 20+ Years
Washable: Easily with any detergent or pressure washer
Durability: Can Not tear (rip) it with your bare hands
Pet Resistant: Very Well
Popularity: 27%

BLACK Fabric Solar Window Screen Installation Examples
Color: Black
Manufacturer: Twitchell, Made in Alabama USA
Product: Textilene
Availability: 80% and 90%
Dirty Resistant: High, Does Not Show Dirt
Longevity: 20+ Years
Washable: Easily with any detergent or pressure washer
Durability: Can Not tear (rip) it with your bare hands
Pet Resistant: Very Well
Popularity: 24%

GREY Fabric Solar Window Screen Installation Examples
Color: Grey
Manufacturer: Twitchell, Made in Alabama USA
Product: Textilene
Availability: 80% and 90%
Dirty Resistant: Low, Shows Outdoor Grime within 2 Years
Longevity: 20+ Years
Washable: Yes, with any detergent or pressure washer.
Durability: Can Not tear (rip) it with your bare hands
Pet Resistant: Very Well
Popularity: <3%